99年度第一次國中基測成績公佈後,各大報章媒體爭相報導一對雙胞胎考生-陳瑋宗與陳瑋和,不但同樣以”403” 分的高分申請進入第一志願- “武陵高中”,更令人嘖嘖稱奇的是,這對考生所應考的5個科目完全同分,就連作文也同樣都拿到”5級分”的高分,是神奇的心電感應能力嗎!?
這對雙胞胎兄弟-瑋宗及瑋和目前為 芝蔴街美語-桃園三民分校”美語精修班”的學生,本次基測英語科雙雙拿到滿分”80分”,在國中求學期間,除了參加芝蔴街美語精修班課程外,沒有再參加任何補習班的課程!很厲害呢!
The one who cultivates more diligently reaps more abundantly. As long as you make up your mind to study hard and not to give up, there will always be a large chance for you to reach your dream.
I have learned English at Sesame Street for 7 years. The ways the teachers have instructed me are quite interesting and helpful. Also, it makes the junior high English seem really basic and easy for me. Thanks to Sesame Street!
Here, I also have some learning tips to share with other students.
Reading English and Chinese articles every day helps the full extent of your language abilities. Try some exercises and ask others questions you can’t solve, and you will have more sense about math. Besides, mix science knowledge into daily life and then you will discover the fun and useful parts of it. The social studies subject needs you to recite a lot. Read through pages as routine and then the important content will soon be impressive day by day.
I use these tips on my schoolwork and they really work for me! I hope they will be helpful to you, too!
As everyone knows, hard work and practice are ways to success. When we are in class, instead of playing with peers, we should pay full attention to teachers and textbooks to make our studying efficient. Also, try to ask questions after classes, then review important points that the teachers have taught today as well as studying and reviewing in order to refresh and strengthen your memory. If there is still some free time, try to preview the text that the teachers might teach tomorrow, this way you will be prepared and ahead of the others even before the class starts. Try to gain more knowledge that interests you from the Internet, books or other resources. You will find that learning actually is a lot of fun!
It has been 7 years since I started to learn English at Sesame Street. It helps me build up my English abilities in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Also, I learn a broad variety of English skills from this. It consolidates my English capabilities and makes my competence stronger and stronger. Thanks a lot, Sesame Street!