
Every day, your child sees words all around him. Help him learn that words are made up of letters, and that letters are symbols for sounds. Use the tips and videos to open up the wide world of words for your child.

Names Are Made of Letters

Encourage your child to notice that letters are the building blocks of words. Start by placing a printed alphabet around the room. Say each letter with your child as you point to it. Try cutting out the letters of your child's name, and ask her to color the letters. Hang the designed name somewhere in her room. From time to time, give examples of words that begin with the letters that make up her name, especially the letter her name starts with.

Alphabet Soup Collage

Every day your child sees words all around—in books, on street signs, on the computer. Point out that these words are made up of letters and that letters are symbols for sounds.

ABC book  

    創作者 大鳥 的頭像

    芝蔴街美語 Sesame Street English

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